The Austrian model of vehicle registration has been presented

NBOCG has organized conference on vehicle registration

Podgorica 17th October 2018

In Hotel “Centre wille” in Podgorica a conference “Austrian model of vehicle registration” has been held, organized by National Bureau of Montenegro Insurers (NBOCG) in cooperation with the Supervisory Authority and VVO – Austrian Insurers Association

The representatives of Generali osiguranje, Sava Osiguranje, Lovćen osiguranje, UNIQA Osiguranje, Swiss osiguranje, Supervisory Authority, NBOCG and VVO participated in this Conference. The representatives of Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Police Administration also participated in the Conference.

The participants have been presented the advantages of this model of registration and vehicle insurance as well as possible positive implication for the business of Insurance Companies in Montenegro, provided we apply some of its solutions. The Austrian model is characterized by the fact that insurers issue insurance policy and register vehicles at the same place. This solution significantly quicken the whole procedure to citizens’ benefits.  At the same time, by cooperation with Police it is possible to more efficiently control the registration of vehicles. The police, in case of the expiry of insurance policy, is informed trough mutual Information system and immediately reacts by confiscating plates of the uninsured vehicle. This is very efficient solution, considering that Austria has the rate of uninsured driving which is indicated in promil – concludes Šaban.

Michael Brandstetter, from VVO, has presented the model, legal regulative and other substantial elements for the functioning of this system of vehicle registration in Austria to participants in details. Michael Brandsetter has, while presenting Austrian model and its impact to national economy, informed participants that the penetration of the insurance in the national GDP is 4.8%, life insurance 1.7% and non-life 3.1%.  The amount of average insurance premium per citizen is 1.949 EUR, life 699 EUR and non-life 1.250 EUR.

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